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  • Jak si WS15H stojí ve srovnání s konkurencí? Překvapivě dobře!
    Jak si WS15H stojí ve srovnání s konkurencí? Překvapivě dobře!
    24 Pohledy

    Jak si WS15H stojí ve srovnání s konkurencí? Překvapivě dobře! Výběr vysokozdvižného vozíku není jen otázkou ceny. Klíčové je zvážit, jaký vliv bude mít konkrétní model na efektivitu práce, provozní náklady a komfort obsluhy. Vozík WS15H přináší řadu inovací, které ho staví nad běžné modely na trhu. Co přesně to znamená v praxi?

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  • Jak vybrat pracovní plošinu?
    Jak vybrat pracovní plošinu?
    1455 Pohledy

    Pracovní plošina je zdvihací zařízení určené pro bezpečné zvedání pracovníků a materiálů do různých výšek, umožňující provádění prací ve výškách.

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  • Hoist or Winch: How to Choose the Right Equipment?
    Hoist or Winch: How to Choose the Right Equipment?
    2242 Pohledy

    When it comes to moving and lifting loads, choosing the right equipment is crucial. Hoists and winches are the two main types of devices that perform these tasks, but their capabilities and purposes differ significantly. In this blog, we'll explore the key differences, types of winches and hoists, and the essential factors that will help you make an informed decision.

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  • Risks of Buying Cheap Electric Hoists
    Risks of Buying Cheap Electric Hoists
    1763 Pohledy

    Electric hoists are indispensable equipment for lifting and moving heavy loads on industrial and construction sites, in warehouses, and workshops. However, price often becomes the determining factor when purchasing an electric hoist. In the pursuit of savings, many businesses are looking for cheaper options without considering the potential risks and consequences.

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  • The Importance of Long-Lasting Batteries for Pallet Trucks and How It Increases Business Efficiency
    The Importance of Long-Lasting Batteries for Pallet Trucks and How It Increases Business Efficiency
    2248 Pohledy

    Check out our range of electric pallet trucks on our website and discover how our solutions can help you improve your warehouse efficiency and competitiveness.

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  • Why Parkoff’s HHBD Electric Chain Hoists Outperform Competitors
    Why Parkoff’s HHBD Electric Chain Hoists Outperform Competitors
    2277 Pohledy

    Parkoff's HHBD electric chain hoists stand out due to their broad load capacities, exceptional safety features, robust durability, operational efficiency, and environmental resilience. Their user-friendly design ensures easy installation and maintenance. Meeting stringent EU quality standards, these hoists outperform competitors by providing reliable, versatile, and cost-effective solutions for industrial lifting needs.

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  • Comparison of Different Battery Types for Warehouse Equipment: Lithium and AGM Batteries
    Comparison of Different Battery Types for Warehouse Equipment: Lithium and AGM Batteries
    2333 Pohledy

    Parkoff offers equipment with both lithium and AGM batteries. When managing a warehouse, choosing the right battery for your equipment can significantly impact the productivity and efficiency of your operations. At Parkoff, we understand the importance of selecting the right solution for your needs. In this blog, we will provide a detailed comparison of the two main types of batteries used in our warehouse equipment: lithium and AGM batteries. We will provide you with unique and practical...

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  • China Supply Chain Challenges for warehouse equipment companies
    China Supply Chain Challenges for warehouse equipment companies
    2955 Pohledy

    Parkoff, a leading manufacturer of warehouse and lifting equipment, is facing significant supply chain challenges due to tripled shipping costs from China to Europe. Despite challenges, we remain committed to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction. 

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  • Manual Pallet Trucks vs. Electric Pallet Trucks
    Manual Pallet Trucks vs. Electric Pallet Trucks
    2365 Pohledy

    Discover key differences between manual and electric pallet trucks to boost efficiency and productivity — all at the best prices. Find the best fit at

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